Subject: Narasimha Jayanti, 14th May 2022 - Vaisakh Chaturdasi - Saligrama puja

Sri Narasimha swamy Jayanati

May 14, 2022

“Om sudarshaNaaya vidmahe mahaaJvaaLaaya Dheemahi |

Tannah chakrah praChodaYaat ||”

Narasiṃha is a fierce avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu, one who incarnates in the form of part lion and part man to destroy evil and calamity on Earth, thereby restoring Dharma. Narasimha is depicted with three eyes, and is described as the God of Destruction, who destroys the entire universe at the time of great-dissolution (Mahapralaya).

Hence he is known as Kala (time) or Mahakala (great-time) or Parakala (beyond time) as well. There is even a matha (monastery) by the name of Parakala Matha in Sri Vaishnava tradition. Alongside, Narasimha is also described as the God of Yoga, in the form of Yoga-Narasimha

Narasimha Jayanti signifies the win of good over evil. It gives people a lesson that no matter how strong evil may be, it can be defeated. The power of belief is stronger than anything. It is said that people who fast on this day get Bhagwan Vishnu’s blessings. The Lord also fulfills their wishes and desires.

Narasimha Gayatri Mantra

“Om Nrisimhaye vidmahe vajranakhaya dhimahi 

tanno simhah Prachodayat |
Vajra nakhaya vidmahe tikshna damstraya dhimahi 

tanno narasimhah Prachodayat ||”

 "With every mantra, the heart must become a lotus to be offered to Divine Mother."

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace