Subject: Meditation retreat with her holiness Amma Sri Karunamayi Nov 7 - Dec 19, 2022- 2022

Maha Prana Shakti Pranayama

Meditation Retreat - Nov 7 - Dec 19, 2022

Join Amma for a special time in this sacred land energized by the divine vibrations of all of the great rishis and sages that have meditated here. Nestled at the foot of the Garudachala Mountains, against a backdrop of waterfalls and greenery, the Penusila Ashram is a celestial abode on Mother Earth.

To quote Amma:

“One day of meditation spent in Penusila is the equivalent of meditating 10,000 years"

Whether you are an experienced meditator interested in deepening your practice, or new to meditation and yearning for a richer experience of your own divinity, meditation retreats in Penusila are the ideal place for any spiritual seeker. Time spent in the Penusila Ashram performing spiritual practices while in the Divine presence of our beloved Amma is healing, transformational and spiritually uplifting.

Aitareya Upanishad (Vedas)

Apaśyaṁ gōpāya mani padyamān māca parāca, pathabhaścarantaṁ,

sasaśrī cih sati ghācirvasān Ānari narti bhuvanē śvantaḥ||aitarīyaṁ

Sadhana is for seeking darshan of Prana in body that drives it. One should practice until they feel that they have seen the Prana Shakti(life force). Don't get distracted in other things in between.

That Prana Shakti protects all the senses of the body. That Prana Shakti never perishes. That Prana Shakti flows in the body through 72 thousand nerves. Through the mouth, through the nostrils, that Prana Shakti comes and goes.

  1. It exists in gaseous form in human body.

  2. In Brahmanda it is in the form of the sun

  3. That energy is billions of billions of universes are invisible magnetic energy. “In this world that light is reflected in the mirror called Sun”.

  4. Because of this Maha Prana Shakti Pranayama meditation, person with this shakti in this world, moves in the best way. A yogi who meditates on this energy in the best Guru Peetha can attain long life. The senses are powerful and healthy because of this Prana Shakti. This Prana Shakti (life force) should be practiced in the presence of the best yogis, the soulful and the wise. With this practice, the Kundalini energy is awakened. It is a great science. With the practice of Suryagni, this knowledge is experienced. The Sri Gayatri Mantra is Aditya's (Sun God), most secretive Prana Vidya. Only through this, the Prana Shakti can be awakened very quickly. In this creation, there are many powers that are not physically visible. Once the life force awakens in the body, all directions are awakened. All directions are filled with light. When there is no sadhana in man, when there is no blessings of the divine Guru, that life force remains dormant. He who, by the grace of Guru, performs the best and most intense practice, whose Prana Shakti is awakened, he stays awake in this world. Before such a yogi, the hidden secret of the universe is revealed.

Leave your worries behind and come to your Mother’s Home. Take this time to answer your soul’s inner calling. Receive the grace and blessings that this holy land and our beloved Amma have to offer.

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace

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