Subject: LAST CALL ⏰ Special 'Emergency' Nakshatra Shanti Navaratri Homas

8 PM ET (SEPT. 22)

Homas will be live-streamed on Amma's Official Facebook Page and photos will be posted on www,
More details to follow.
Nakshatra Shanti Navaratri
Sept. 23 - Oct. 1, 2020
Dear Blessed One,

In Vedic Astrology, the planetary transits (called gochar in Indian Astrology) are important to understand the effects of planets on an individual at a given moment. Transiting of a planet means movement of that planet from one sign to another, and from one birth-star constellation (nakshatra) to another. When it enters or makes a connection with any zodiac sign or nakshatra, it shows some effects which can be either benefic or malefic. If the influence is good, it brings good or positive changes or events in life. However, negative influence gives undesired results. Recently, the transit calendar that shows the transit of planets has been significant. 

Since each planet moves at its respective pace which is different from others, so its time of transit is also different from others. A planet can also become combust and retrograde which are indicated in the transit calendar. All seven planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn) and two nodes (Rahu and Ketu) have different movement and time of transits on twelve zodiac signs. Generally, planetary transits of Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter and Saturn have long lasting effects. Transits of planets like Moon and Mercury bring quick changes.

A rare cosmic phenomenon took place recently whereby six planets were located in their own house - Sun in Leo, Mercury in Virgo, Mars in Aries, Moon in Cancer, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn. A rare yoga was formed after around 250 years. Even Ravana appreciated the power of time and therefore he tried to fixate his destiny by utilizing the powerful planetary transits. His son Meghnath was born when all planets were transiting the 11th house from his son’s ascendant. He purposefully planned his birth during this time but Saturn didn’t obey him and put his one foot in 12th house. As a result, Meghnath had to die in hands of Lakshmana due to Saturn’s impact.

In the next few months we need to pay attention to Mars and Ketu who will both express unstable energy. The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu move to new signs and Jupiter turned direct on September 12th after being retrograde but this planet of expansion and hope seems unwilling to move forward. The transits of slow-moving planets Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are always very important, because they stay in each sign and nakshatra for a longer period of time compared to the fastmoving planets. More importantly, Amma has stated that three more Kala-Sarpa doshas will occur.

Amma has recently discussed the effects of the planetary transits and how they can influence finances, health and karmic adversities. Being deeply concerned about Her children who are trying to navigate through these challenging times, Amma recently consulted a group of learned and eminent Vedic scholars about possible remedies. Together with Her own Divine knowledge and wisdom, Amma has designed an ‘emergency’ nine-day series of homas known as Nakshatra Shanti Navaratri to strengthen your nakshatra and to balance and enhance their positive manifestations.

These unique homa and puja rituals will use authentic and ancient Vedic knowledge to help you align yourself with the astrological aspects in your birth chart so that you have the planetary support to recreate your destiny.

1) Sponsorship ends at 8 pm (ET) - Tues. Sept 22.
2) This is an Individual Sponsorship.
3) Please consult a vedic astrologer for more details about your birth chart. How this impacts you is very dependent on your own chart and astrology is always complex so some rising signs may benefit more than than others and the nuances of all of this is complex.
4) Nakshatra 'calculators' are available online.
5) As Amma would like all Her children to participate and benefit from these nine days. of ceremonies, the sponsorship fee has been kept at a minimum (equivalent to $33/day for all morning and evening rituals) despite the high costs associated with performing these rituals, prasadam and mailing costs.
6) Please allow adequate mailing time for the prasadam during the current pandemic.

Jai Karunamayi!

 Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Fulfilment in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!

Sri Mathrudevi Vishwashanthi Ashram, International Headquarters - 'Sri Puram', Penchalakona, Nellore, Dist., Andhra Pradesh 524 414, India
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