Subject: How Lord Ganesha's Forms Can Help YOU!

Sri Ganesha Chaturthi
'Sharanagati Shri Maha Ganapati'
Sri Ganesha Navaratri Festival at Manidweepa Mahasamasthanam

Celebrate with us September 10 - 19, 2021
 Vakratunda mahaakaaya suryakoti samaprabhaa
Nirvighnam kurumedeva sarvakaaryeshu sarvadaa

Salutations to the great Lord Ganesha, whose curved trunk (vakra-tunda) and massive body (maha-kaayaa) shines like a million suns (surya-koti) and showers his blessings on everyone (sama-prabhaa). Oh my lord of lords,  Ganesha (kurume-deva), kindly remove all obstacles (nir-vighnam), always (sarva-) and forever (sarvadaa-) from all my activities and endeavors (sarva-kaaryeshu).

Sri Ganesha Chaturthi, September 10, 2021 (IST) marks the birthday of Lord Ganesha. It is one of the most important power times in the year to welcome Ganesha, the Lord of fortune and wisdom, into your life and receive his blessings for the fulfillment of your desires, success, prosperity and new beginnings of all kinds.

Lord Ganesha is widely revered as the Lord of new beginnings, remover of obstacles, and bestower of good fortune. According to Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva announced that Ganesha has to be invoked first before commencing any deed for surefire success and prosperity. This Ganesha Chaturthi, the birthday of the elephant-headed God, Manidweepa Mahasamathanam has arranged for a special 10-day Sharanagati Shri Maha Ganapati festival.

Ten of the 32 great forms of Ganesha, will be celebrated each day during this 10-day festival for their unique attributes, powers and blessings. Lord Ganesha is abundantly available and accessible to anyone who seeks to connect with him. According to the Ganesha tradition of worship, Ganesha manifested in many unique forms to give specific blessings to devotees.

Devotees are encouraged to take full advantage by sponsoring these powerful ceremonies for Karma Removal, Smashing of Obstacles, Success, Prosperity and New Beginnings of All Kinds  and receiving gifts of abundant blessings from Lord Ganesha on His Birthday!     

Day 1 (Sept.10) - BALA GANAPATI

Bala Ganapati is “the Childlike” God of golden hue. In His hands He holds a banana, mango, sugar cane and jackfruit, all representing the earth’s abundance and fertility. His trunk garners His favorite sweet, the modaka.

In the Bala Ganapati form, Lors Ganesha appears as a loveable child and is regarded to be representing one of the five important primordial elements - Pritvi, the earth. The Lord is thus believed to signify the fertility of earth and abundance of agricultural and other produce. Devotees believe that Bala Ganapati is easily approachable and that his worship would bestow various benefits like growth of sound intelligence and good habits in children, improved health and overall happiness in life.
Day 2  (Sept. 11) - BHAKTI GANAPATI

Shining like the full moon during harvest season and garlanded with flowers, Bhakti Ganapati, dear to devotees, is indeed pleasant to look upon. He holds a banana, a mango, coconut and a bowl of sweet payasam pudding.

Bhakti Ganapati, the mild-mannered aspect of Lord Ganesh is regarded as representing the primordial element Jala, the water. People worship Bhakta Ganapati with added fervor on special occasions like Vinayak Chaturthi , Sankasthi Chaturthi, etc. It is believed that worshipng this form of the Lord helps the devotees to obtain his blessings in abundance and thus, get protected from all dangers and difficulties in life. His worship can also help control temper, get relaxed and feel happy and joyful.
Day 3  (Sept. 12) - SHAKTI GANAPATI

Four-armed and seated with one of His shaktis on His knee, Shakti Ganapati, “the Powerful,” of orange-red hue, guards the householder. He holds a garland, noose and goad, and bestows blessings with the abhaya mudra.

Shakti Ganapati represents the primordial element Akash, space. It is believed that worshiping him with faith can help to HAVE control over the senses to act with concentration and focus, and achieve objectives with ease. Shakti Ganapati also remains as the vanquisher of evil and the protector of households and hence is believed to bring harmony and peace in family life.

Sankatahara Ganapati, “the Dispeller of Sorrow,” is of sun-like hue, dressed in blue, and seated on a red lotus flower. He holds a bowl of pudding, a goad and a noose while gesturing the boon-granting varada mudra.

Sankatahara Ganapati worship, it is believed can remove misery and distress from the lives of the devotees and fill them with satisfaction and joy.
Day 5  (Sept. 14) - VIDYA GANAPATI

Four-headed Viday (Dvija) Gaṇapati, “the Twice-Born,” is moon-like in color. Holding a noose, a goad, an ola leaf scripture, a staff, water vessel and a His japa beads, He reminds us of the urgency to strive for discipline in our lives.

Vidya Ganapati is regarded as that aspect of Lord Ganesha who is capable of making one’s worldly life worthwhile. It is believed that worshiping him with faith can make people attain status, and earn good name and fame in their place of work and society. He can also help to bring down debts and to make devotees achieve material gains.

Runa Vimochana Ganapati is humanity’s liberator from guilt and bondage. His figure of alabaster skin is dressed in red silks. He bears a noose and a goad, His milk-white tusk and a favorite fruit, the rose apple.

Runa Vimochana Ganapati is a compassionate aspect of the Lord, whose worship, is believed to bestow the devotees with the power to overcome difficulties and march in the path of success.

Vighna Ganapati, “Lord of Obstacles,” is of brilliant gold hue and bedecked in jewels. His eight arms hold a noose and goad, tusk and modaka, conch and discus, a bouquet of flowers, sugar cane, flower arrow and an axe.

Vigna Ganapati is a benevolent aspect of Lord Ganesha who can mitigate problems and solve difficulties. It is believed that sincere prayers offered to him regularly can remove obstacles and negative influences, and bring for the devotees, success, and prosperity.
Day 8  (Sept. 17) - VIJAYA GANAPATI

Four-armed, of red hue and riding His resourceful mushika, Vijaya Ganapati is “the Victorious” bestower of success. His insignia are the broken tusk, elephant goad, a noose and His favorite fruit, a luscious golden mango.

Vijaya Ganapati is the God of achievement and success. It is hence believed that praying to him shall clear impediments immediately, provide relief from difficulties, ensure success in endeavors and make people victorious.
Day 9  (Sept. 18) - SIDDHI GANAPATI

Golden-yellow Siddhi Gaṇapati, “the Accomplished,” is the epitome of achievement and self-mastery. He sits comfortably holding a bouquet of flowers, an axe, mango, sugarcane and, in His trunk, a tasty sesame sweet.

Siddhi Ganapati is the one can bless anyone with success in any right venture he or she undertakes. He is also believed to be the storehouse of Ashta Siddhis, the 8 rare and matchless universal attainments and can bless devotees with the power to succeed in endeavors and life.
Day 10  (Sept. 19) - LAKSHMI GANAPATI

Lakshmi Ganapati, pure white giver of success, sits flanked by Wisdom and Achievement. Gesturing varada mudra, He holds a green parrot, a pomegranate, sword, goad, noose, sprig of kalpavriksha and a water vessel.

Lakshmi Ganapati is an important aspect of lord Ganesha, who is responsible for bestowing both wealth and wisdom. Offering sincere prayers to him daily is believed to endow the devotees with material gains apart from intelligence and prosperity.
The Greatness of Ganesha

Amma's teachings on the The Glory of Ganesha
The Worship of Lord Ganesha at Manidweepa

Receive Ganesha's Divine Blessings
Ganesha in the Vedas and Upanishads

Amma's revelations of the Sacred Texts
Let us keep the deep symbolism of Divinity in mind as we experience the omnipresent in the form of the elephant God,
yet be fully aware that Ganesha is very much within us.
This is the wisdom we should carry as we celebrate Ganesha Chaturthi.

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace

Sri Mathrudevi Vishwashanthi Ashram, International Headquarters - 'Sri Puram', Penchalakona, Nellore, Dist., Andhra Pradesh 524 414, India
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