Subject: Friday Abhishekam 28, Jan 2022 Sri Lalitha, Lakshmi, Saraswati Abhishekam

    Sri Lalithambika Devi, Sri Lakshmi Devi,

Sri Saraswati Devi Abhishekam

January 28, 2022

Sri Lalita Devi, Sri Lakshmi Devi and Sri Saraswati Devi Abhishekam divine bathing ritual is performed every friday in the main inner "Garbhaalyam" sanctum sanctorum to the main idol.

Abhishekam washes away lifetimes of karma from our lives.  Divine mother is bathed every friday in a variety of auspicious substances, each one having a different benefit on our lives–removing negativity and attracting all kinds of positivity to our life.

Abhishekam allows us to surrender to, honour and connect with the deity and the energy and power it exudes, and also attain blessings.Abhishekam ritual ceremony are done for numerous purposes such as strengthening planets, balancing karma, prosperity, blessings for a cause, removal of inner/outer negativity, relationships and more.

The ritual of pouring on deity is a form of cleansing and purification of our own minds. As you wash the deity, you are also being washed of any planetary Doshas, limitations, and karmic hindrances.

Abhishekam is performed with ghee (clarified butter), honey, curd (yogurt), milk, sesame oil, coconut water and rose water, along with sandalwood and honey are used, each representing one of the five elements of water, earth, fire, air and ether. By offering the substances that represent the elements, it is a request to the deity to also purify these elements within ourselves.

Divine Mother grants auspicious blessing to her beloved children. For students and those who seek blessings for intelligence, creativity, and memory power, Sri Saraswati Puja is best.

For those who seek blessings for their business or financial situation, Sri Lakshmi Puja is very beneficial. Sri Chakra Puja or worship of Sri Lalita Devi grants the highest spiritual consciousness, every kind of divine virtue, and the ultimate liberation.

Lets pray to Mother on this day, to help us overcome obstacles in life, remove hurdles whether physically or mentally or materially and bless us with peace and prosperity in the coming times.

       "With every mantra, the heart must become a lotus to be offered to Divine Mother."

Jai Karunamayi!

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy

Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace