Subject: City Organizer's Meeting with Amma - July 4, 2021

Dear Blessed One,
Namaste City Organizers

We hope you will attend the meeting with Her Holiness, Amma Sri Karunamayi, which we have scheduled to take place on Sunday July 4, 2021, at 9:30 p.m. IST / 12 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. CT / 9 a.m. PT on Zoom.

You’ll find the link here:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 918 2166 8782
Passcode: 11300704
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Meeting ID: 918 2166 8782
Passcode: 11300704
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The City Coordinator, Vinay Mamidi will host the meeting. His meeting agenda is as follows:

Immediate Task:
Guru Purnima Retreat registration : 
- Every city organizer tries to get at least 100 people to register for GP program. Please get the word out starting this week.

Honoring Amma with Service for Guru Purnima:
- Every City organizer to come up and complete a service activity to honor Amma before Guru Purnima. Plan on sharing your activity.

Longer Term Tasks:
Planning for next year's programs 
- We have to build the finances for SMVA Trust and Manidweepa Mahasamasthanam.
- Please plan to share your city's plans for increasing attendance  and conducting  bigger programs  
- Before the pandemic started we were planning on Ayurveda retreats in major cities. These programs have to be planned several months in advance before Amma arrives and we need these programs to be filled up. Please share your plans and ideas.
- Start advertising early and energize your devotee base (eg. get devotee singers, perform bhajans) 
- Special fund-raising programs for school funding and hospitals. Bolster the funds for both service activities with specific fund raising goals.
In addition, Manidweepa Mahasamaathanam and SMVA Trust want to hear from you and what your local devotees are saying about the programs and events that have been organized since the start of the pandemic.
Provide Amma with any feedback such live stream quality, our communication, prasadam distribution etc. so that we can focus on the effectiveness of Amma's mission. We want to listen to what Amma's devotees have to say through our city organizers so that we can incorporate valid suggestions into the operations and activities of Manidweepa Mahasamasthanam and SMVA Trust.

We hope to see you on July 4.

In Amma's Seva,
Suresh Pandav
Zoom Meeting Decorum
  • Be aware of your audio and video settings. Do your own tech support before you start
  • Take control of you own noise - speak clearly but don't shout; participate in a quiet area; stay on mute if you’re not talking
  • Look into the camera when talking instead of looking at yourself
  • Ensure that you have a clean, appropriate background
  • Dress appropriately for an audience with Amma
  • Give everyone an opportunity to speak and do not interrupt others
  • Do not interrupt Amma when Her Holiness is talking
  • Eliminate distractions and focus on the agenda and the discussion
  • Only invite participants who need to be there for a city organizer's meeting. This is not a city satsang!
Jai Karunamayi!

 Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu |
Sarveshaam Manggalam-Bhavatu |
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih ||

May there be Well-Being in All,
May there be Peace in All,
May there be Fulfilment in All,
May there be Auspiciousness in All,
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!

Sri Mathrudevi Vishwashanthi Ashram, International Headquarters - 'Sri Puram', Penchalakona, Nellore, Dist., Andhra Pradesh 524 414, India
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