Subject: 🎄 Amma's Christmas Message

Namaste Blessed One,
A portion of a transcript of Amma's Christmas message from a previous year follows below:
"......Jesus faced innumerable problems in his lifetime and always showed only the “daivi sampata” - the divine attributes like patience, tolerance and forbearance—in his entire life. People were totally opposed to Jesus, standing with closed hearts in front of Jesus, but he himself totally offered his life for their problems. And finally, throughout his entire lifetime, he showed patience and how to experience truth in showing patience and tolerance for any kind of problems. Suppose we want to have any new plant; we need to have some seeds in our hand. But without planting any seeds, or without adding any water, there is a plant in our world. What is that plant? The plant of egoism! For egoism there is no need for water, and no seeds are needed. It is growing and growing and growing like anything! That is the plant of egoism.
Jesus showed in his life how to burn this egoism through patience and through love. So, when we stand for righteousness, we can face any kind of problems boldly. And we will experience finally the truth. Jesus’ lesson is: Love everyone in the world like your Self. A very beautiful message! It is also in the Rig Veda. Love everyone in the entire universe like your Self. If you experience your supreme Self, you are able to see the same Self everywhere in all the living beings. Seeing God in everything, everywhere, is the greatest and highest experience in life. So, this is what really makes a human being a true human. Many people, when they achieve this self-control, this control over egoism, will experience the real victorious life in their lifetime. This is the message of Christmas.
This is a very beautiful message from Jesus. When we are seeing the state of mankind in our twenty-first century, sometimes we feel so sad about all the terrorism and commotion in our world. We have so many problems all over the world - health problems like cancer.  And everybody is suffering from so many insecurities and problems every day of the life. When we are seeing this, we need a very special medication to sustain the entire mankind. What kind of medication is that? Selfishness is like a virus infecting our human family. When we eradicate this selfishness, humanity will be sustained with so much happiness and always with divine consciousness for thousands of years. For without that, there is no security at all.
People are always complaining about fear. And people are always having so much anxiety and stress on the heart, commotion, health problems and all kinds of mental commotion. So this is a problem for all of humanity now in our twenty-first century, even  with all the facilities in our home.  
But coming back to the subject of sustaining this beautiful mankind for thousands and thousands of years, I want to see our world without crime and without unrighteousness. I want to see our beautiful mankind in our world without any of these crimes and also with so much dharma and peace in our society. So, I am always expecting eternal peace in our society and eternal happiness in our society, with the dharmic values inside—inner values without any crime in our entire world. If we want to sustain all of humanity like this, we need the inner values. And then only, our entire world will be sustained without any depression, and mankind will become so powerful because of dharma.
What do we need to sustain our mankind for thousands of years longer? We need dharmic values and inner values! Without dharmic values, life will become meaningless. Some people have their own minds and their own thoughts; they never think about anybody, but just work with unrighteous behavior and selfish hearts. Then, so much commotion comes into society. This commotion ruins the entire universe, the world. So that’s why we need peace of mind in society, with dharmic values, and that’s why I am expecting to see the entire mankind without crime and with dharma, with eternal peace. I want to see our beautiful mankind with all these inner values. Embodiments of divine souls, Amma’s most beloved children, that’s why Amma is in front of you.

I love you so much! I love you millions and millions and billions and billions and countless gazillions of times—all of you children! I love you so much, children. Try to see God within you. And try to see God everywhere—everywhere in the entire world. Be selfless. Selfless people are the backbone of society. Selfish people, no! You know what has happened because of selfish people. So much commotion is created by selfish people in our world. Amma is expecting selfless people—more selfless people to balance the peace in the world.
Amma is expecting everybody’s good health for the coming New Year. Amma’s special wishes for happiness, and good health and prosperity, and everything in everybody’s life. Like your own biological mother, I love you millions and billions and trillions and countless, countless gazillions of times. I love you always. Where can I go, children? Amma is always, always, always with you. Love you, love you , love you, children! Love you, children! Love you, children! Love you so much, my sweet children!"   
Hari Om Tat Sat
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May All Beings Be Happy
Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi
May All Be in Peace
Sri Mathrudevi Vishwashanthi Ashram, International Headquarters - 'Sri Puram', Penchalakona, Nellore, Dist., Andhra Pradesh 524 414, India
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