Dear Friends,
send you heartfelt love and healing for Christmas and the holiday season.
When the Wise Men brought the infant Jesus gifts it set forth the tradition of
giving gifts to others. I am in awe of the personality and mission of these three
kings and the determination of honoring the Savior and new born King.
year I fell in love with the movie called “The Nativity Story” from several
years ago. I highly recommend that you watch it.
pray that the world can emulate the love of that first Christmas. Think of how
it could be if all people of the world could honor each other and allow the
great gift of peace to prevail. We can strive for this in our own lives.
you experience the peace of the first Christmas and the joy as you exchange
gifts and rejoice in the reason for the season. I am grateful that you are in
my life and thank you for your friendship.