The gentleman trio shares that they want to share with you the message of loving more deeply and fully. This message is a part of what the whole GENTRI formation is all about. The strive for self-improvement and being better today than you were yesterday is what they wish for others as well as for themselves.
The group wanted the lyrics to their songs to be a reflection of their dreams and wishes. These are things that are important in life such as the living of one's passion, enjoying life to the fullest, and creating meaningful relationships. The biggest challenge for them so far has been the strive to deliver all of these messages in an authentic manner.
The video of the homeless man ends with a text from Matthew 25:40 "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." What a true way to create a Christmas video with the real message that Christ left for the whole Christian world that celebrates on this day.
Christmas is not about buying gifts and presents for the loved ones that have everything, but to provide for those that are really in need of basic things for their survival. This is the essence of true Christian faith and honor in the name of Jesus Christ. |