I am assuming you are ready to take your business online.
Have you ever wondered how to manage all of those nasty web links? Some of the Weblink Shortners will automatically force you email to go to Spam....Not Good.
It is reasonably priced at about $20 / month. BuildRedirects will give you stats and it also lets you change your offer your link points to in real time.
Consider what will happen if you promote an affiliate link on FaceBook or Google and the product is no longer available. You can't remove your link from all of the advertising you have already paid for.
BuildRedirects is your answer, just change the site your link is pointing to. What could be easier?
Lots of other available options like split testing.
I had tried a cheaper version of software from someone else. Let's just say that didn't work out well. It pretty much only changed the link and you had no control of that.
Order Now: BuildRedirects To your success: Gary @ ChoiceProducts4U.com