Less than an hour into my shift, and I was already beside myself with frustration.
The mask reducing my oxygen intake, making my chest constrict and heart race.
This can’t be healthy!
The clear, hard plastic wall between me and the customers.
It’s more of a barrier for human connection than a virus!
Their masks, making it impossible for me to understand their requests.
In order to hear them, I have to lean forward and then they back up! This is impossible!
The gray-haired gentleman set his reusable bag on the counter, and it was my job to let him know about our store’s new policy.
“Sir, the store is now requesting that customers leave their bags at home. We’re not charging for paper bags anymore, so you don’t have to worry about that.”
Suddenly, he stood up taller, shoulders back like a soldier standing at attention, and rapid-fired questions at me. “Why…? Who says…? Is this a corporate decision…? Government…?”
Remember, it was almost impossible to discern his words through the plastic wall and masks that separated us; but I could see the fire in his eyes and feel his upset escalating, even through the plastic.
Finally, I broke the rules and pulled my mask below my chin, “Sir..."
Click HERE to read the rest of the story.