I called him the minute I got to my car.
“Dad, you know the project I told you about – the one where my teacher gave me permission to test your theory and tool with some kids around here and report the results?”
“Yes.” I could hear him smiling, trying to contain his excitement at the idea that a university professor would see his theory and give his daughter permission to see what results we could facilitate.
“Well, I’m talking to a few possible project candidates, you know. And I met this girl… I have a sense I can help her, but I’m wondering if I’m crazy.”
“Tell me about her…” His interest was piqued. Man, he loved seeing the possibilities of applying his theory and tool to difficult cases.
“Well, she was deprived of oxygen for too long at birth, and the results were pretty devastating to her nervous and muscular systems. Her mind is fully intact – she’s actually a smart cookie – but her body has some real limitations. It's palsy-like. She’s in a wheelchair, and only has large motor muscle control. Fine motor is really difficult for her – writing, typing, etc.”
I heard him take a deep breath but couldn’t tell if it was excitement or hesitation. “The thing is. I was watching her in the cafeteria today, and I noticed something. There were times where she moved very differently, smoothly even, and I wondered: Is it possible that she’s not as physically incapacitated as she thinks she is? Like…” Now I took a breath, kinda surprised this was even coming out of my mouth. “Like…maybe her current self-image is limiting her actual physical capacity?”
It didn't take long for us to change this girl's world forever with my dad's theory and tool.
CLICK HERE for the full story.
Committed to Achieving Potential, |