It was the evening of the first day of my experimental 7-Day Message Matrix Retreat, and I was standing in front of two powerhouse women who had cleared their schedules to make some serious progress with their message.
I stood at the entrance to the labyrinth and silently asked:
What do I need to know, or release, in order to guide these ladies this week? My intention is to get them clear on their message, uncover their memorable brand, organize their story and expertise into a powerful experience for the audience, and then help them write one model chapter. But what do I need to know or release to do this effectively?
The truth is that I was taking a huge risk and feeling all the feelings.
Excitement – I couldn’t wait to see what could be accomplished in seven days of focused intention.
And fear – I had said YES to organizing three books in one day, when I usually took one full day to map a book…and some had taken even longer.
Oh, and I was condensing the training time from ten plus hours to six to accommodate a virtual participant. Yipe!
The minute I stepped into the labyrinth, I gasped.
To finish the story and see the big AHA that catalyzed incredible outcomes for the participants, CLICK HERE.
Committed to Mindfulness, |