Hello there!
In the past, I've held small online events around the holiday to connect with my fellow storylovers and storytellers, and co-author a powerful year together.
But our community loves it so much, we're going to do it more often!
If you've only ever chatted with us, we'd love for you to join us to connect with like-minded and -hearted individuals who are committed to leaving the world better than we found it AND experience what we mean when we say "Saved By Story."
If you've worked with us to publish a book or launch a brand, we want to invite you back into the a space where you know we are committed to continuing to help you and every storylover and storyteller use the power of Story, Writing, and Community to:
dream a little bigger
discover what might be holding us back
uncover the right next step toward our magically-ever-after
In fact, feel free to bring a friend!
And this time, we're making a
we don't want any of you to miss!
It's all happening TONIGHT @ 4pm - 5:30pm PST.
Simply hit REPLY and let us know you want to join us, and we'll send you a calendar invitation with the Zoom login details.
Hope to see you there!