Subject: Reflections on the "Alpaca Lifestyle"- Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Friend,

Thinking of you this Thanksgiving week as I pause and reflect on my Blessings... because I feel so grateful. My husband and I have been enjoying the “Alpaca Lifestyle” now for over 10 years. We left the city life in search of something different for our retirement and never dreamed we would stumble upon such a rewarding way of life.

Our nine cria from the age of 1 to 2 months old, are a constant source of amusement, joy and promise. They all exhibit some form of independence from mom, playfulness with each other and abundant curiosity about the “2-legged” care takers (us!) Just at sun-down the spontaneous “cria races” start up. This can last for several minutes as each one takes turns leading the pack in circles around the pens. Here’s a photo of the first 4 … pausing before they ran off!
I hope that you have witnessed this kind of pure joy too. If you haven’t yet and would like to visit a near-by farm, let me know where you live and your zip code. Perhaps I can locate an alpaca farm near you.

I still have some high quality alpacas for sale on the East coast, West coast and a new herd dispersal in New Mexico (due to the sudden death of the owner.) These alpacas are being sold for a fraction of their value. Remember that any alpaca purchase this year can be written off on your 2014 taxes, even if you finance the balance.

Let me know if I can assist you in any way. Now may be the best time for you to realize your “Alpaca Lifestyle dreams”.

I hope that you and your family have a most enjoyable and Happy Thanksgiving!

Until next time…


Julie Roy
858-361-6321 - cell (Pacific time)

, PO Box 1965, 92549, Idyllwild, United States
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