Subject: Why Beethoven considered ending his life

Beethoven was noticeably losing his hearing around the age of 30.

He initially was in denial. He continued to perform publicly. He continued to compose.


The quality of his playing was on the decline.

This is a familiar story to those who have even a passing knowledge of Beethoven's life.

What is not well known is just how hard this loss of hearing impacted him.

One of his friends said of him: "It is a cry of revolt and of heart-rending pain... He is ready to end his life; only moral rectitude keeps him back."

The genius who changed the course of music in the 19th century was on the verge of ending his life.

I cannot imagine the pain and suffering that he went through.

With the benefit of hindsight, we now see that this loss of hearing was the reason that he is now recognized as a genius.

Because he lost the ability to hear, he was not influenced by the musical fashions of his day.

His sensory deprivation shaped the exercise of his compositional talent.

And the rest is history...

Depriving YOUR Senses

As you know, I'm inviting studio owners to join me in the Studio Marketing Masterclass this week.

Here's why:

What I'd like to do is "deprive your senses" of outside influences for the next 3 months.

Give up the noisy music studio Facebook groups...

Give up distractions...

Give up negative thoughts about how hard the last year has been...

Give up the whirlwind of thoughts in your head about "which marketing technique will work the "best"... (SPOILER ALERT: this is the wrong question to ask)

Instead of all this distraction I would like to invite you to spend focused time implementing a simple, understandable marketing plan for your studio.

Pat Flynn (one of my early marketing influences) says: "Do the hard work now, so you can sit back and enjoy the benefits later."

And - unlike Beethoven's circumstances - this deprivation will be positive! It will silence the noise of anxiety-inducing outside influences.

I'll give you the roadmap.

I'll show you what to do.

I'll give you my templates.

You can have all this implemented in time for the "Fall Rush."

Will you join us?

Click below to read a further description of the program (including costs).

Yes! I'm Ready to Grow!

Open enrollment closes at 11pm EST this Sunday.

Very best,
