Subject: The cost of learning an instrument

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IMPORTANT: This is the last day you will receive emails from me about Studio Marketing Masterclass. Fair warning… I’m going to be sending you quite a few emails today reminding you to register! I want to make sure everyone has all of the information they need to make a decision.

What is the cost that one of our students has to pay to learn an instrument in our music studio?

A brief list:
  • The cost of tuition… which can amount to thousands even tens of thousands of dollars
  • The time necessary to learn the instrument
  • The concentration and focus and energy that must be given to progress in the skill
  • The opportunities they pass up… to spend that time in a different way, to learn a different instrument, to learn a different skill, or to use that time for leisure
What’s the reward?

The skill itself. The deep satisfaction that comes with playing and creativity.

For some students, this is not a cost at all.

For others?

They are running for the exits immediately.

Those students don’t last.

And - truthfully - most don’t show up at all.

The Cost of Growth

Now, here’s an interesting question:

What is the cost of growth in your studio?

A brief list:
  • You could pay an agency to build ads for you and run them
  • You could pay an agency to build a site for you that converts (because having a site isn’t enough - it actually has to get you students)
  • You could pay a marketing manager or analytics expert to track your funnel and show you were it’s all breaking down
This will cost you north of $10,000. Easily.

Plus the time and money it takes to find these people and verify that they can get the job done.

Or, you could
  • Learn ads yourself
  • Build a site yourself
  • Learn metrics yourself
  • Learn what you do NOT need to do
  • Monitor it all yourself
This 2nd list is what I did.

The rewards were worth it.

From 2015-2019, I made over $500k in revenue with tiny margins. Almost all of this was straight profit to me.

However... took me years to trial and troubleshoot.

That’s why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

If you are the DIY type…

There’s nothing better than having a guide to help you.

I wish I had that a decade ago. I could have gotten to this level of profitability much quicker.

Doing it without a guide cost me $100’s of thousands of dollars.

I don’t want you to suffer the same fate.

Yes, the Masterclass is an investment…

But it’s one that will pay you back, if you have the foresight to join us.

Details about costs, schedules, and what you get is at that link.

Let’s do this!

Very best,

PS> Doors close on the spring 2020 class TONIGHT at 11pm.

Daniel Patterson, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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