Subject: She almost quit teaching

Last week I sent an inspirational video…

It was so well-received… I decided to make and send another to you.

This time… a professional teacher who was on the verge of quitting the teaching profession at the beginning of the p***demic.

Not only did she make it… she rocketed to life-changing income by joining the Masterclass at her darkest hour.

Here are a few quotes from the video to help you decide if you’d like to watch the full video:

Question: What’s different in your studio now?

Sabrina : I’ve doubled my studio enrollment in a pandemic with very little money to spend… while I was starting up two new programs in my studio… with a toddler. 

The challenges I’ve had this year were the biggest challenges I’ve ever had. During the most adverse circumstances that my studio has ever faced, I doubled my enrollment. 

Sabrina: Once I broke through 30, it was like breaking through a glass ceiling. I was like, “Okay, now 40’s going to be possible.”

I was no longer hopeless. I was no longer limited. I can now make whatever decisions I want to and not be emotionally invested in how people will react.

Question: How valuable did you find this experience?

Sabrina: I would call it life-changing. I think it’s made the difference between quitting music teaching and trying to go work in a post office somewhere… I have unlimited imagination about what life could be. It’s so valuable that the value of it is bigger than my actual studio. It’s pouring out into other areas because I can take a similar approach in different areas.

There’s plenty of more inspiration and helpful information in this video!

It doesn’t matter your circumstances, your financial situation, or your experience with business and marketing...

Just work with me for 12 weeks like all of these clients did including Sabrina.

If you put your head down, do the work, watch the videos…

You can make a huge change in 2022.

You can enroll here:

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,
