Subject: [SOLVED] 10 common studio problems

Do you have any of these 10 problems in your music school or music studio?

Problem #1 - No One Responds to Your Posts

You post in Facebook groups, your personal profile, or you studio business page and you get no or low engagement, no messages or requests for lessons, and you cannot rely on it as a "predictable" system.

Solution #1

Create a razor sharp offer that cannot be ignored by your ideal customer (either an adult student or the parent of your ideal child). (NOTE: This is covered in the "Irresistible Studio" training inside the Masterclass.)

Problem #2 - Traffic but No Leads

You have tried a variety of marketing techniques (ads, fliers, digital marketing, Instagram, Facebook, Craigslist, Groupons) and you get traffic but NO LEADS. No contacts.

Solution #2

Test your messaging and offer using the #1 marketing channel that I recommend for studios. Troubleshoot THAT channel, get results in THAT channel, and then scale up from there. (NOTE: This is covered in my Traffic Stack strategy in Module 5 of the Masterclass.)

Problem #3 - What Worked for Someone Else Isn't Working for You

You try a marketing channel or technique that you learned somewhere, it doesn't work... but you don't know why.

Solution #3

Easily learn the "Primer" level system of tracking your marketing system that takes only five minutes a week. (NOTE: This is covered on Day 1 of the Masterclass... it takes about 25 minutes to learn. It takes an hour to implement. It takes about 5 minutes a month to maintain.)

Problem #4 - You Are Invisible

Not enough people know that you exist. Not enough visitors to your website, your Instagram, your Google My Business, your Google maps listing, or your Facebook business page.

Solution #4

Increase the number of people discovering your various online properties and then convert them using your razor sharp messaging from Solution 1. (NOTE: This concept is covered in the first week of the training + how to increase your Ultimate Number with 20 different techniques - most studios only have to learn / use 2 or 3 of those techniques to get big results.)

Problem #5 - Spent Money on Ads... No Students

You tried Facebook ads or Google Ads. You spent money (200? 500? More?). You got traffic but no results, i.e. more students.

Solution #5

You have to optimize your ads, website, and landing page to convert that traffic into leads. (NOTE: We cover this in Module 3 and 5 of the Masterclass with a literal checklist of items to change. Most take less than 5 minutes.)

Problem #6 - Ads and Funnels Are Confusing to You

You tried to use Google Ads or Facebook ads. You felt confused and overwhelmed. You either gave up or you went ahead and ran the ads, but you knew *deep down* that it probably wasn't right.

Solution #6

Have your ads and funnel checked by a professional. Have your results checked and suggestions made for improvement. (NOTE: As a part of the training, you get to work with me and my Google Ads coach one-on-one to make sure you completely understand your ads funnel. We have taken complete newbies and helped them run a successful campaign in less than 3 months, like Jessica.)

Problem #7 - Disappearing Students!

Do people contact your studio and then "disappear"? You follow up with them but they are impossible to reach?

Solution #7

Increase the power of your offer and implement a respectful but effective follow up system in your studio. (NOTE: We cover this in Module 6 of the Masterclass... research-based / evidence-based ways of decreasing the number of people "ghosting" on you.)

Problem #8 - People Go Cold After Trial Lessons or Phone Consults

We invite people in for trial lessons... but most of them don't end up becoming students. They go really cold after a phone consult or intro lesson.

Solution #8

Create a powerful, persuasive phone script for closing people over the phone. Create a powerful intro lesson that allows a new student to quickly succeed and have fun at the same time. (NOTE: We also cover this in Module 6 of the Masterclass... take my phone and intro lesson templates. Make it so that the potential customer is calling YOU back to make sure they get a spot on your roster. Some years I had a 100% close rate on my intro lessons.)

Problem #9 - Families are Uninterested in Your Camps and Programs

You want to increase studio revenue with special programs like summer camps, preschool programs, practice clubs, band programs, or other workshops and special events... but response to these events is weak (at best).

Solution #9

You need to create a powerful, unique offer for each of these programs using proven templates. (NOTE: In the "Irresistible Studio" section of the Masterclass, I give a complete start to finish framework for designing a new program or promoting a current one... I have used this to sell out my yearly summer camps or even convince "casual" families to sign up for extracurricular activities like the Royal Conservatory assessments.)

Problem #10 - Total Overwhelm and Not Enough Time!

You're not sure how to best use your time. You feel overworked and pulled in 100 different directions. You're not sure what will give you the most results.

Solution #10

You have to understand what truly drives revenue and growth in your business so that you can even know how to prioritize your time each week. (NOTE: I teach this in the first and last sections of the Masterclass... I focus you on what you need to work on for the next 3-6 months. And then at the end, I show you what to focus on next now that you have a successful marketing program working for your studio).

What's your score? How many of these problems do you have?

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Have a great weekend!

Very best,


PS> Hear a dozen studio owners talk about their results in their own words in this short video:

Alumni Results