Subject: New students for 8 days in a row

An inspirational email for you.

Below is a short video of someone who worked with us and increased their studio by 80 students during the pandemic!!!! At the time we recorded this video, they had increased by 50 students… and they’ve increased by another 50+ since that time!!!

Here are a few quotes from the video to help you decide if you’d like to watch the full video:

Question: What was a highlight you experienced while taking the training?

Cristina: I think the most exciting point of the entire training was… there was one week at the end of March where I got 10 leads in the span of 8 days. I was on this crazy streak and every day I thought it was going to end, and then the next day I’d get a call or two.

NOTE: She signed almost all of those students

Question: What was your biggest fear before joining the training?

Cristina: My biggest fear was whether or not I could do it. I had dabbled with marketing in the past and it was not successful at all. But the Masterclass is designed in such a way that it’s kind of dummy-proof! I stuck with it, and with Daniel’s guidance I was able to fight my way through it and figure it out.

Question: How did the Masterclass help you succeed?

Cristina: Everything is pre-recorded. I could always go back and listen to the concepts again. There were some videos I listened to 10 times just to re-digest the material. All the live sessions are recorded and sent to you… and so many people had the same questions or were struggling with the same things. Seeing that they were also struggling with something was encouraging for me… I wasn’t alone!

There’s plenty of more inspiration and helpful information in this video!

Whether your goal is to enroll 20 students or 200 students…

You need an effective, simple marketing system.

And the simple point I want to make here is…

I can help you just like I helped Cristina and dozens of dozens of studios that worked with us even during the pandemic!

If you’d like that support, access to all of my marketing templates, and feedback from me…

You can work with me in Studio Marketing Masterclass and be ready for strong enrollment and a better business in 2022.

Join me here!

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


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