Subject: My wife can’t stop laughing at this video

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My wife sends me all kinds of weird stuff throughout the week in my emails and texts.

This video is one of them. Last fall, I frequently caught her rewatching this video and laughing hysterically.

She still sends it to people.

She is reconnecting with old friends while we’re self-isolating.

It’s well worth the watch (click the picture to watch):

I don’t know what this girl thought was going to happen… but when you do what she did, there’s a pretty predictable outcome.

She got exactly what she planned for.

Now, you might think to yourself: “Why is Daniel sending me this video? What could this possibly have to do with studio growth and business success?”

I’m so glad you asked.

If you watch the video above, you'll pinpoint the EXACT moment she realized that she messed up (16 seconds into the video).

Yeah... I've felt that. Have you?

Getting What I Planned For

Below is a semi-complete list of things that I did to attract students during my first five years of teaching music:
  • Post business cards on bulletin boards all over town
  • Sponsor a baseball team
  • Read tactical marketing books that taught general advertising concepts
  • Ran newspaper ads
  • Ran incentive programs where I would pay current students to tell their friends about me
  • Made brochures and door hangers and went around all the local neighborhoods hanging them on doors
  • Paid several thousand dollars to have postcards mailed to 3000 homes in my area
  • Posting in random Yahoo! Groups for my city in 2004 hoping that someone would see them (I was about 10 years early on that strategy… because that really works now on Facebook)
What was the outcome?

Did I get the results I was looking for?

Well, not really.

I can’t remember what I was expecting (it was so long ago), but...

When you do ineffective things… you get ineffective results.

I got exactly what I planned for.

Having worked with studio owners for many years now, I know that this is the experience of most studio owners, too!

They try a tactic… spend money on ads… pay or barter with someone to build a new website… join a cheap or free “studio business support group”.

They think it’s going to go well… and then:

Nothing. Or worse.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

“How Do I Get Results?”

Studio owners ask me…

“What is the most effective way to market my studio?”

They want a result… and they want to know the actions they need to take to get that result!

This is why I created Studio Marketing Masterclass.

There is absolutely a system that works for every studio business.

It’s so easy and simple that I can explain it to you in four steps:
  • Create a traffic source for your studio business
  • Send that traffic to a website or landing page
  • Collect the information of the potential clients
  • Aggressively follow up with them
That’s it.

That’s the system that I used to make six figures each year in my own home studio.

It’s the system that I’ve helped 130 studios set up in the last 18 months (from small studios to one studio that does nearly $2M in revenue each year).

It requires barely any maintenance.

It works whether your studio is 30 students or 300 students.

And, I’m more than happy to help you build it.

I’m looking forward to working with you!

Very best,

PS> Registration closes this Sunday at 11pm EST

Daniel Patterson, 7915 S Emerson Avenue, Suite 163, Indianapolis, IN 46237, United States
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