Subject: Losing a winning lottery ticket

IMPORTANT: This is the last day you will receive emails from me about Studio Marketing Masterclass. Fair warning… I’m going to be sending you quite a few emails today reminding you to register! I want to make sure everyone has all of the information they need to make a decision.

In March of 2019, a person who wishes to remain anonymous stepped forward to claim the largest lottery payout in U.S. history.

They won the $1.5 BILLION Mega Millions jackpot.

Yes… billion. $1,500,000,000 dollars.

Now, here’s the funny thing… according to the Associated Press, the winning numbers were announced in October 2018.

5 months later, the person stepped forward to claim the prize. They had until April 19th to claim the prize or it was lost forever.

I would love to ask that person… why did you wait? Why did you wait 5 months to claim that prize?

I have a number of theories.

1. Maybe they just didn’t know. Maybe that lottery ticket was stuffed in a drawer somewhere and they only found out in March. I doubt this very much.

2. Maybe they were scared. They got this huge amount of money and they knew their life was about to change. They were so afraid of that change that they kept putting it off.

3. Maybe they were shrewd. Maybe they wanted to wait so that no family or friends would realize that they were the Mega Millions winner. Perhaps they could pass off the purchase of a new house or new car as “inheriting some money."

I’m not sure if ANY of these are true, but here’s another thought... could you imagine if they didn’t know they won and missed the deadline… and lost that money forever?

I shudder to think! What a disappointment!

I think there are a few lessons to be drawn from this… and - you guessed it - they have to do with the Masterclass registration that closes tonight at 11pm!

1. There’s no possible way that you don’t know everything you need to know about the Masterclass (well, I guess if you didn’t read the emails… but I doubt that’s true if you are reading this one!)

But, I am sending this email (and a few more today) to make sure that YOU don’t miss the deadline!

2. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are people who are scared to make the leap because their life would change.

I did an interview last month with Nate from Brooklyn, New York (we are going to release that video in December). Working with me this year… their studio built an ad funnel that is returning 350% in ROI (for every $1 they spend on ads, they are getting $3.50 back in “first-month” tuition - let alone all of the months after as the student stays and continues to study with their studio).

I did another interview last month with a studio that grew by 44 students on an ad budget of just $600… in about 12 weeks.

If you are scared of that growth… don’t be! They are having a blast!

And your life will change too! More money, more freedom, a better studio, more respectful families, more visibility as the “go to” studio in your area.

3. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a few shrewd people who are on the fence because they aren’t sure if they need the Masterclass.

“I don’t know if we need it!"

There are a few people who have emailed and mentioned they already have a large studio, and they’re doing just fine.

That’s great!

But, I have helped large studios cut their marketing costs SIGNIFICANTLY with what I teach in the Masterclass. That’s more money to take home. More money to expand. More money to buy better equipment.

“I can do this on my own!"

Absolutely. 100%.

You can do this on your own.

I had to do it that way because there was NO ONE in the music studio marketing industry that was teaching Google Ads and digital advertising back in 2011!

But, it took me a long time. And, I had to make a lot of mistakes.

It would have been easier just to have someone tell me exactly what to do. It wouldn’t have taken years.

It would have taken (for example) three to five months like all these fine people who worked with me in the spring and summer!

So… my recommendation?

Take the plunge.

Just Click Here and Register Already!

I look forward to working with you!

Very best,


PS> Last minute questions? Send them my way!