Subject: It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

You are receiving this email because you have showed interest in registering for Studio Marketing Masterclass.

It's Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, and I'm going to keep this brief... I have food to eat and family to spend time with!

Yesterday, I promised you a deal.

So, I’m going to share my “Thanksgiving Miracle Deal” with you now...

My Crazy Deal for You!!!

It’s very simple.

Join the Masterclass.

Get full access to the training (everything) from day 1.

If the training doesn’t meet your expectations in the first 30 days… simply email me or text me and we’ll refund everything you paid.

What this means is that you get to begin the training at absolutely NO RISK to you.

Why would we do this?

Because I can count on one hand the number of times people have actually used this guarantee.

A few examples:

  1. A few years ago a new client was involved in a car accident a few weeks after joining. She had to temporarily close her studio because of physical therapy. She asked for a refund; we granted it.

  2. Earlier this year, we had a studio owner join... even though I warned him that he might be too advanced for the training (this RARELY happens). He joined anyway, and then realized that he had already implemented a lot of the techniques in his large music school. It wasn't the best fit for him; so we granted the refund.

  3. Spring of 2020: we had a client reach out and say they didn't want to do the work. They were hoping the training would be "easier." Truth is... I think they were just being unrealistic... anything good requires effort! We happily granted that refund... We only want to work with serious people!

There are a few other stories like this. Bad timing, unusual circumstances, not a great fit… but never because the training didn’t meet their expectations!

The point is:

I think you should be able to make a decision with information you do have… not with information you don’t have!

I’m Going to Throw a Little Shade...

By the way… this extremely generous offer is in direct opposition to what our competitors do.

They charge you up front for the information…

And then they charge you a monthly fee to keep your access to the training that you already bought!



And - not only that - they don’t even give it to you all at once… They drip feed it to you over a long period of time.

The stated reason (on their website) is that “too many people were joining and then ripping them off.”


It just sounds as if it isn’t that good.

We’ve had hundreds of people go through our training and I can count on one hand the number of people who unenrolled.

Because you don’t walk away from the best.

Should you join?

If you want:

  • To make at least $1,000 more dollars per month (though many students have increased their income by much more)

  • To increase your student retention

  • A predictable flow of contacts and phone calls

  • To copy my most successful ad campaigns and get the results I’m getting

  • To know what should and should not be on your studio website

  • To know how to write persuasive emails, social posts, and any kind of promotional material

  • To know exactly what to say to prospective clients on the phone and in your intro lessons… without being nervous or feeling inauthentic!

If any of these are true of you, then I would recommend registering for the program.

This is our biggest registration week of the year. Open enrollment closes on Cyber Monday. That's 11pm EST on November 29th.

Very best,
