Subject: How I almost failed a piano exam

I had a recurring nightmare in college that I would miss my piano final each semester.

If you missed the exam, you would get docked on your final grade.

In the week leading up to the exam, I would nervously check my calendar to make sure that I hadn't written the wrong time in.

On the day of the exam, I would show up to the arts building an hour before my final and warm up there.

A fool-proof system!

This little system of mine worked well until my junior year...

I showed up early.

And then - 20 minutes before my exam - I realized that I had left several of my music books back in my dorm room.

Of course - I wasn't going to use the book. Everything had to be memorized.

But a requirement of the exam was that you presented all the original copies of the music to the exam board.

I ran as fast as I could back to my dorm and made it back with only a few minutes to spare to take that exam.

I don't remember the grade I got, I don't even remember all of the repertoire...

But, I'll never forget almost getting a poor grade on that exam because of a technicality!!!!

Don't Be Late!

Open enrollment closes tomorrow night at 11pm.

Over the next 36 hours, I'm going to send a number of emails to remind you to register...

Because I don't want you to miss this opportunity (like I almost missed that exam)!!!!

I'm telling you now because no matter how many emails I send...

I always have someone email me on Monday morning saying...

"Oh no! I forgot! How do I get in?!?!?"


"Hey, when can I register for the Masterclass?"

Don't miss out... if you know you want to register, just do it now:

Join the Masterclass

Have a great weekend!

Very best,


PS> Is it not great timing for you? Do you know that you don't want to join the class?

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