Subject: Furious! He wouldn’t call me back

My wife and I wanted a fence for our backyard.

So, in January of 2019, we went to our city’s annual home improvement extravaganza… The Home Show.

At the home show, hundreds of contractors and home improvement businesses put up booths and sell what they have to sell… driveways, patios, fences, deck installation, siding, even entire homes.

They actually BUILT a model home inside of this giant warehouse… that they were going to tear down after two weeks!

While gathering information about fences, we saw a really interesting booth that caught our eye.

I know nothing about fashion or “what’s cool” but apparently it’s very trendy to put something called “shiplap” on your walls.

Here’s a picture from the booth:

Shiplap is a variety of colored boards that you attach to your walls.

My wife and I saw that and we thought… “Wow! That would look amazing on one of the walls in our bedroom! How much!?!?"

So, we found the salesperson, he gave us a quote… I did some quick math… and found that it (in my opinion) it was really cheap. A lot less expensive than I imagined it would be.

We went from “not knowing the product existed” to “sold” in about 10 minutes.

We got further information about their company, we gave them our information, and set up a time to talk to the sales guy the next week.

This is where the fun part of the story ends.

After the event was over, we had a hard time getting in touch with the sales guy.

We called and emailed him. He finally got back in touch with us two weeks later.

We asked him a bunch of questions about installation, about warranty… and he answered them one at a time, spaced out by days.

We kept trying. Still difficult to get in touch. It was like pulling teeth to get him to answer our questions.

FINALLY… we managed to get our questions answered. We were ready to order… and then he asked us a question:

Sales Dude: “OK, how much of each type of board do you want?"

Me: “Huh?"

Sales Dude: “Well, this doesn’t come as a package. You have to tell us how much of each board you want."

Me: “We want it to look like what’s on the wall? Can we just do that?"

Sales Dude: “OK, well we don’t actually have that information, so here are the specs for each board… and you just tell us how much of each board you want."

My wife and I attempted to figure this out. However, we didn’t even have some key information about board size, color names, lot numbers, etc.

We got back to him and said: “We are ready to write a check to you guys. Is there anyone at your office who can tell us how much of each board to order?"

We never heard back from them.

And... they never heard back from us.

What’s the moral of the story here?

Sometimes it’s difficult to find exactly what you are looking for...

And, sometimes things just drop in your lap (like this really awesome wall covering).

hen you know what you want and the opportunity presents itself, it’s wise to move fast.

The frustrating thing about this experience is that I told them what I wanted. I WANTED to give them my money! It was a win for everyone!

But, no… they wouldn’t help me out.

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Very best,
