Subject: Do NOT register for the Masterclass

I don’t want you to register for Studio Marketing Masterclass.

That might seem like an odd thing to say.

But - under the right circumstances - it might be my advice for you.

My goal throughout the entire history of my blog and this registration period for Studio Marketing Masterclass has NEVER been for you to register for this training or do a coaching with me…

My goal is to be HELPFUL.

This is why I have not opened enrollment to everyone… only to those who applied.

Even this week, I have sent candid replies to people asking if they should enroll or not.

I’ve dug into their situation, asked questions about their willingness to do the work, inquired about the time they have available to do the work with me and this group of eager studio owners.

If it wasn’t a good fit… I said “No, don’t join.”

I’ll do the same for you. Happy to speak with you or trade emails. 

If you would like to register, click the button below. 

Tomorrow is the last day I will send you reminders about this opportunity.

Hope this has been helpful!

Very best,


PS> Do you NOT want to receive any more invitations to the Masterclass?

Just click here and you won't receive any more emails about the Masterclass for six months