Subject: Daniel, why so many emails?

I received an email last week from someone who proclaimed that I was “too noisy."

I received emails from several other people saying I was sending too many emails.

Others loudly announced that they are unsubscribing.

It would seem that I’m not very good at my job (according to these people).

So, here’s the question...

"Daniel, why send so many emails?"

"Aren’t you making people angry?"

I have several answers. Here are some “free marketing tips” for you.

If you are interested in growing your studio, I would study and internalize these.

Free Tip #1: You Aren’t as Loud as You Think You Are

Can you guess how many emails I’ve sent you since October 26th?



Would you believe that it’s around 20?

Do you remember getting 20 emails from me?


That’s because people are busy. You are busy.

People don't focus.

Even this week… I’ve received emails from people asking me:

- when registration opens (they replied to an email that was announcing registration was open).

- what the cost was (if they clicked the link they would have seen the cost)

- asking me what the Masterclass was (they replied to an email with a link to a multi-thousand word description of the program)

I have to break through the noise…. Because people are busy. They just aren’t as aware as I “think” they should be.

Do you know who else is too busy and isn’t as aware as you think they are?

Your potential future students.

To succeed in business in 2021 (and beyond), you have to be visible… highly visible.

Write this down and take it to the bank:

You aren’t as loud as you think you are.

You must follow up more. Reach out more. Post more. Email more.

Now, does that mean we annoy people? Do we harass and stalk and harangue them?

No! And that leads me to...

Free Tip #2: I Write for My Future Partners and Business Friends

What’s interesting about every single “hate” email that I’ve received over the past two weeks is...

Every single one of those people voluntarily signed up to receive emails from me!

I don’t know why they take it so personally that I am promoting my business. I don’t know why they need to be passive aggressive, rude, and even swear at me!

But… I don’t write for them.

I write for my future partners and business friends.

We already have a terrific number of registrations this week. If the trend holds, this week will be our best enrollment week in 2020.

That’s because I’m writing for the people who need what I’m offering.

I’m writing to you. So you know what is being offered, how it will help you, and what you can expect.

The same holds true for your studio...

You don’t write for the haters, the doubters, the bored, the casual, or the apathetic.

You write and market for your ideal client.

The people who are looking for solutions. The people who are excited to find you. Who have been “looking for you their entire life."

And that leads me finally to...

Free Tip #3: You Have to Care

I don’t particularly care that I get hate mail (see the image above).

Do you know why?

Because I am completely bought in and passionate about my mission: helping studio owners find the shortest, most efficient path to business success.


I spent years trying to figure out how to market my studio.

I made mistakes. I “wasted” and “lost” money. I can’t get that time or money back.

I don’t want someone to have to reinvent the wheel.

Because of my mission, I’ve created:

  • A winning ad strategy that works for me and other studios

  • Templates for effective websites and emails

  • Scripts for phone consults and intro lessons

  • Trainings for studio owners who want more control of their career

I really want to share this with people.

I’ll do anything. I’m “ALL IN” on my mission.

So, I don’t care about hate mail.

Nothing will stop me from helping studio and music school owners.

Whether it is a small studio doubling their income in a matter of a few months...

Or a large 700 member studio creating a Google Ad funnel under my supervision that brought them a 350% ROI on their ad spend...

Or countless studio owners who were able to quit a second job...

Or studio owners who moved from poverty wages to high five figures (or even six figures)...

I care about people finding success.

The same holds true for you in your studio...

I want you to care so much about your students that you will do ANYTHING to get them enrolled.

Whether that is:

  • Creating better marketing

  • Learning how to be more persuasive

  • Building an online presence that makes you highly visible in your area

  • Following up with them 

  • Caring about them and even loving them

  • Doing hard work in the short term so you can take it easy in the long-term

This is why I’m sending so many emails.

I have something valuable for you… and I want to make sure you know about it.

Yes! Let’s Do This Together!

This is our biggest registration week of the year and the cart closes on Sunday night at 11pm EST.

Don’t miss out.

Very best,


PS> If you don’t want any more emails… if this isn’t for you… just email me back. We can take you off the list. Please be kind :)

PSS> I made a video about “How the Masterclass Works” earlier this week. If you didn’t get a chance to watch it, you can do so here:

How the Masterclass Works + How 1 studio owner increased her income by $72k in 5 months