Subject: Before and After Photos

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A common advertising and marketing technique for many types of products are the famous “before and after” photo.

There are some that are really helpful.

Others though… Well, you take a look:

And another favorite of mine...

Here’s my question...

What’s the “before and after” for a music studio?


Where were they struggling before joining the Masterclass… and how did they feel after doing the work?

What were the questions they had before joining? Where were they confused?


How did they feel about marketing afterwards? What “superpowers” did they gain? How well did they understand marketing and what they were supposed to do in their studio?

Check out the “before and after” with the 2017 through 2019 Masterclass students. These are ACTUAL questions (word for word) that people asked in the “Getting to Know You” survey that I send out to people who register.

BEFORE - About Marketing

  • How do I get responses to turn into intro lessons and then into sign ups?

  • How do I market to my current families?

  • How do I keep out the people I do not want? How do YOU pre-screen people?

  • What should I do besides paid advertising to grow my studio?

  • Since there are so many ways to market a studio, how should I prioritize them?

  • I want to learn more about funnels? How do I create them? How do they work?

  • What numbers and analytics do I need to know and pay attention to?

  • How do you understand your customers better?

  • How do you be persuasive without being clumsy or heavy-handed?

  • I’m lost! What who where? (literal quote)

  • What is the right terms to use in marketing to get the right customer and not tire kickers that just want to “try” piano lessons for a short time?

  • When am I spending too much? Or could it be that I’m not spending enough?

  • To be honest, I’m not sure what I know or don’t know about marketing… so I’m not even sure how to formulate questions

  • What makes someone trust your business quickly?

  • Does it really take 7 points of contact to get a customer?

This is just a small sampling of questions that previous clients had about marketing their studio (by the way, all of these questions are answered and many more!)

BEFORE - About Websites

Here’s some questions they had about building or designing an effective / persuasive website:

  • How do you make a website that is unique and doesn’t look like a copycat?

  • How do I write pages with the customer in mind?

  • What should I use!?!? Wordpress? Wix? Something else?

  • What is the bare minimum I need to have an effective website? I’m starting without one and I’d rather have something simple yet viable than spend a lot of time trying to have the “perfect” site.

  • Since I don’t have students yet, what are your recommendations on graphics / photos?

  • SEO? Does that even matter now, since funnels are a big thing now?

  • Are there any pages that need to be removed, added, or renamed?

  • Is my site any good?

  • How can I turn my site into a selling machine? (Love that question! Ha!)

  • What essential info do parents feel relieved to see or read on the main page?

  • Do parents care about my credentials as a pianist listed on my site?

  • I’m using a free website. Is that good enough or should I be paying for one?

  • Should my website have published policies and rates?

  • Can I emphasize my Taubman background on my site? How do I do that effectively?

  • Is my domain name OK or should I get a different one?

The Masterclass lays a foundation that answers all of these questions… and in places where it doesn’t, that’s what the live Q&A sessions are for!

Yes! I’m Ready to Grow!


So, how did these very same people sound once they had been through the modules on persuasion, marketing, websites, and writing great copy?

I asked them what they learned, what was the most helpful, and what surprised them the most.

These are actual quotes:

I loved seeing the website examples and the analysis you gave. It is so useful to have the actionable checklist and a cohesive system.” 

- Marybeth

“I had guessed it would be an enormous project to get my website correct. So, I am

grateful for the step by step breakdown of the project.” 

- Deb

“Honestly, module 2 was kind of challenging! But I can see that this was an extremely

valuable module. Once I got into it, I think this will completely change how I write copy for my website and ads – because it will come from a place of truly understanding their pain points!” 


“I realized that I was giving the customer too much information up front when that is

probably what most are not looking for. It is now easy for the customer to find out exactly

what they need from the new menu and I have also made it easier for someone to pull

the trigger and contact to schedule the intro lesson. I am also seeing how the Pit, Path,

and Paradise exercise is working into the wording on the website.”

 - Melissa

“Biggest insight was that digging deeper into surveys & beyond is not just a matter of

“finding things out” about my customers, but INTEGRATING their very words into my

copy, website, ads, and stories.” 

- Anonymous

“I was surprised to learn looks aren’t as important as I thought and even an ugly looking

site can convert at a high rate.” 

- Brenden

“This is the “no-BS” module that, combined with M2, will give me the most

confidence and leverage… I love knowing that continuing to focus on this work

will get me the results I want. This and M2 are the modules that are worth going

back to a million times. I tend to like things that I can “practice” and this is one of them. 


“An effective website doesn’t have to be a work of art. Now that was a huge relief! Not

that I’m going slack off here, but it’s nice to know that I can create something effective on

my own. Now, it seems very manageable to improve my website game.” 

- Chrissy

“My biggest insight in persuasive writing is the 7-prt framework. I never knew there was a formula; yet alone multiple formulas that could be used. 



I would love for you to get this level of clarity, as well!

Join me and a number of other serious studio owners that want the very best for their studio.

Yes! I’m Ready to Grow!

You have until Sunday the 22nd to register for the last class of 2020.

Very best,
