Subject: Seeking Good Paths First

In storms, our hearts tend to tread familiar paths.
"Why here?" I pondered why a recent, massive downpour produced a never-before-seen waterfall on my land. I traced it back to a small, slightly worn path the kids had made with their bikes. What astonished me was the 'trail' was barely established. It was merely a faint hint of a path. Still, the rain torrents found that path, and roared down it to form an impressive, temporary waterfall.
Desperate heart seeks good path...
There’s a Bible at the entrance of my gym. At the Spirit's prompting, I’ve started the habit of pausing with that Bible. Every time I’m heading out the gym door into the rest of the day, I read a chapter, out loud. 

It's a small path. Every visit, I walk that path. Every repeat, the path is trodden a little deeper. When storms come, (in Luke 6:48, Jesus says they will), the storm waters naturally flow where the path is worn. We want to be pre-positioned to hunger for the clear word of God instead of clickbait. 
Little Choices - Big Effects
·      We train our appetites by the ‘first things’ we consume.
·      Little, repeated choices create paths forming streams – then rivers -- then canyons.
·     Our soul’s impressible soil can be quickly shaped by little, ‘non-impressive’ choices.
  • Is something questionable? We can fast from that habit to check how deep a hold it has.
  • Go-To Firsts are crucial. What’s our First Thing? Is it NEWS or eternal truths? 
  •  Be on the lookout for joining God in creating holy spaces and holy pauses.

We’ve been training our hearts to go somewhere… that’s where they’ll go when the storms hit. If we've been leading our hearts in the wrong direction, now is the time to turn our heads back to something eternal. 
Consider trying the Pause App by Ransomed Heart. It’s a tool in the tool box for “Getting Your Life Back” – (also a recent book by John Eldredge). 
Let’s invite God to show us ways to put to death sinful paths and deepen or re-open good ones. If we ask, He will certainly help us claim, clear and reinforce good trails. We need His word, His peace and His Spirit flowing through our stories - even in trying times. Let's make it a habit to build more and better paths in our hearts, today. 
More "Forge More" to come.
Who are we? A community of men, pressing into more of God's freedom for the masculine heart, together. Find out more at: 
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