Subject: Need For Stripe Removal Truck




(Water Based Preferred)

Hi, I'm Tom Calton,

Traffic Circle gives traffic safety professionals powerful insight into the used highway safety equipment market. For years now, we've played a crucial role in helping traffic safety industry stakeholders thrive.

If you have a stripe removal truck you'd like to move (away), please let me know ASAP. We can make good things happen. We have a current need for a good, used unit.

When there's a need to move valuable, used equipment OUT or IN, please let me know. Time after time, we've delivered the right fit for highway safety contractor's.

We can quickly and effectively showcase unique needs or opportunities to a growing highway safety market... and now's a good time.

We're often able to quickly trade used guardrail pounder trucks, crash cushions, TMAs and other specialty highway safety equipment. We're only an email away.




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We Empower YOU to DO What Works:

  • MOVE that idle equipment. We work together to recover the value of stale equipment. Let's move your equipment's value forward into a better fit for your future. Move it while it has better value.

  • Bring IN the best equipment. Need to move into equipment to better serve current and future projects? We can help you transition.

  • Use our site as a window to see future possibilities. What’s available? What’s moving? What would happen if you reached a worldwide market in moments?

“Selling” or “shopping” equipment? Here's an anchoring thought:

Compare the advantages v/s disadvantages to reaching out:

The UPSIDE: Idle equipment sells, freeing stagnant value which can now be released into more productive streams.

The Downside: Nothing changes.

Free yourself from the Negatives of Idle Equipment: Sitting equipment is dead weight. It's a time suck. Idle equipment means unnecessary taxes, descending values and cramped spaces. Letting equipment sit is often an unintended, slow death sentence.

Consider the Margin: You start the process of moving forward by reaching out. The likelihood of future gain is high. To not choose - is to make a choice.

Traffic Circle builds your value by:

  • Offering you access to a nation-wide market of equipment which can add value to your business.

  • Empowering you with cashflow streams by accessing the hidden value of your idle equipment.


TOM'S BONUS QUESTION which we've found quite helpful:

  • What feels like a boulder we're having to push uphill?

  • What feels like a boulder which is rolling downhill, and simply needs our leadership to guide its path?