Subject: Getting a Handle on What's at Hand


NEED/HAVE These Unique Items?


Now Ready for:

  • Whole SLED units. 

  • TMA Trucks / Post Driving Equipment

  • Used/New Median Cable Barrier Posts

Likely Inquiries this Spring:

  • Whole End Treatment Systems (non-ET-350s)

  • Used Thrie-Beam Panel

  • 350 Crash Cushion Systems

  • Mobile Steel Barrier Systems

Spring means truckloads of units moving into viable projects.

Getting us the info early often means better market position.

Please, email at your earliest opportunity.

Crash Cushion Inventory 2019

“I studied the lives of great men and women, and I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hand, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work.”

— Harry S. Truman

Grandma Hattie lived to 104. She loved to say, “What is that in thine hand?" - pointing to the moment where Moses discovered that his shepherd’s rod could do things he’d never imagined (Ex4:2). Today, Hattie’s favorite phrase reminds me how we’re each given our own unique dominions.

What we have in our hands is often a minor theme. What we do with what's in our hand - this is a major theme.

Whether we believe we can (grow by stewarding what we have in our hands) - or whether we believe we can't – we’re right. Let's look at ‘what we've been given’ as one of the best platforms for us each to grow us into better versions of us.

What's that in your hand?