Subject: You don't want to miss our Chat this Friday about the new Coach

And listen to what we shared about climate resilience last week
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Most of us have had a coach. Their job is to help the team unlock and reach its full potential. To get the most out of every situation. To achieve things that maybe they never thought they could accomplish. And that’s just what our new Coaches will be doing with their local communities. This past month we were excited to sign our first Coach, Warren Mwenda of the Zambia Women and Girls Foundation in Monze, Zambia.

This Friday, May 22nd at noon (Pacific Standard Time), register to hear how Warren, and our new Coach programming, will help to ensure the success of our projects and partnerships.


You'll hear from our team on why we are developing this new role now, and what we and the new Coaches plan to accomplish together. And we hope to share more about our recent project in Monze and the great work that is happening there.

Register for the Chat here >>>


Watch our last Chat.

Last Friday on our Chat about climate resilience, John MacLean, the President of Energy Efficiency Finance Corporation, shared his expansive background working with the World Bank and Green Climate Fund to finance projects in developing countries that build climate resilience. It was a great opportunity to understand how our work fits into the global development landscape and how we might better leverage and scale our technologies with communities most in need.

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If you would like to view the Chat, you can watch it or any of our videos on our Youtube channel here:

And you can view or register for any of our upcoming events here:

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge below. We appreciate your generosity now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will, and the entire team at Friendly Water for the World