Subject: You don't want to miss our Chat about climate resilience this Friday

And listen to what our global friends shared last week
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If you're like us, you've spent the last several weeks spending a lot more time at home. And you also may have spent it doing more for yourself and for your family than you have before. Many of us in the West are fortunate enough to have the resources to help ourselves. But people in resource-scarce communities, who are already marginalized and vulnerable, have limited physicals means at their disposal. But if we help them build local assets like permagardens and rainwater catchments they can become more resilient, enabling them to better manage a crisis like a pandemic, flood, or drought.

This Friday, May 15th at noon (Pacific Standard Time), special guest speaker John MacLean will join us to look at climate change and resilience around the globe. John is the President of Energy Efficiency Finance Corporation, a former Adjunct Professor at Evergreen State University, and an expert in international financing for sustainable economies.

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He will share his experience working with the World Bank and Green Climate Fund to finance projects in developing countries, how the Green New Deal connects us all, and how international carbon financing demonstrates the need for local solutions to build climate resilience. By understanding the global picture we can more clearly see how our work is needed in local communities. You don't want to miss this Chat.

By registering for a recent Chat you're automatically included in the next meeting. If you don't have the Chat link anymore or don't see it on your calendar, you can register again here.


Watch our last Chat.

Last Friday on our Chat with our global friends we were grateful to have Eric Lijodi, Godfrey Mtega, and Binyamin Christy share what was happening in their countries and communities. As we were reminded, Covid-19 is but one of many hardships that face our friends. And there isn't significant testing in these countries to really even understand the spread of the disease. Recent locust swarms in Kenya, flooding in East Africa, and deadly accidents in India emphasize the need to build more resilient communities. Our thoughts are with all of our friends. We hope you keep them in yours.

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If you would like to see what we talked about, you can watch any of our Chats here:

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge below. We appreciate your generosity now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will, and the entire team at Friendly Water for the World