Subject: We really enjoyed Chatting with you about our new Coach

You don't want to miss our next Chat this Friday about the Maasai of Tanzania
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We hope you have been enjoying our weekly Chats as much as we've enjoyed chatting with you. The world gets a little smaller in our Chats as we talk about our common goals to build knowledge and resilience and to stand with the most vulnerable. This week we make a trip to Tanzania to stand with the Maasai people.

In fall 2017, Ginny Stern had the opportunity to meet and work with one of our community partners as they began the first BioSand Water Filter training for rural Maasai communities in Tanzania. Ginny was already in the country volunteering with another Olympia based nonprofit teaching English. Since she was nearby, it was suggested she travel north and join the training in the Simanjiro District.

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This Friday, May 29th at noon (Pacific Standard Time), register to hear Ginny tell the story of that adventure; her encounters along the way with the people, their communities, and the landscape of the Maasai Steppe.

By registering for our last Chat, you're automatically included in the next meeting. If you don't have the Chat link anymore or don't see it on your calendar, you can register again here.


And thank you!

Thanks for attending our Chat about our new Coach. It was a real treat to have our first Coach, Warren Mwenda of Monze, Zambia and the Zambia Women and Girls Foundation join us and introduce himself. We expect Warren and our futures Coaches to be the cornerstone of our post-training programming, improving the effectiveness of our development projects through enhanced community support and data collection. Please join us in wishing Warren great success in his new role.

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If you would like to view the Chat again, you can watch it or any of our videos on our Youtube channel here:

And you can view or register for any of our upcoming events here:

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge below. We appreciate your generosity now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will, and the entire team at Friendly Water for the World