Subject: We really enjoyed Chatting with you about BioSand Water Filters

This Friday we get an update from our friends and partners around the world
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We started Chatting six weeks ago as a way to stay connected to our friends around the world. Since then, much has changed in the world. Most of us have been physically distancing at home. And during that time we’ve gotten to better know our home, families, and our local community.

So, this week we are going to check-in and Chat with our global friends about their situation and how they and their community are faring. Join us to hear how people in Tanzania, Congo, Kenya, India, and other places are surviving the novel coronavirus, quarantine mandates, the challenges of daily life, and are using our technologies to stay resilient.

friendly water for the world globe

By registering for our last Chat, you're automatically included in the next meeting. If you don't have the Chat link anymore or don't see it on your calendar, you can register again here.


And thank you!

Thanks for attending our Chat about BioSand Water Filters. We were excited to have and hear participants from eight countries. We learned how to build this slow-sand filter and how they change the lives of people and communities. It's a great reminder that BioSand Water Filters:

  • Can remove 99.9% of all harmful pathogens

  • Cost less than $60

  • Are made with local resources

  • Can run for 30+ years with minimal maintenance

  • Produce up to 23 gallons / day

  • Provide enough clean water for a family of 10-15

Many thanks to our very own project manager, Wayne Medrud, for demonstrating a filter in action and putting together all the tools and steps you would need to build one yourself. If you'd like more information on filters or how you can help us make more, please drop us a line.

wayne and filter

If you missed part of the Chat or would just like to watch it again, we have uploaded our videos to the internet for anyone to watch. You can see it or any of our Chats here:

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge below. We appreciate your generosity now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will, and the entire team at Friendly Water for the World