Subject: So, how do you grow food with now water?

Come discover permagardens this Friday at noon.
friendly water for the world header


How do you grow food with no water? How do you ensure children eat and eat nutritiously? How can you give people the hope, confidence, and knowledge to feed themselves?

Find out this Friday at noon (Pacific Standard Time) when guest speaker Peter Jensen shares his knowledge of permagardens. Permagardens combine components of permaculture, bio-intensity, and design to create sustainable agriculture that maximizes production. The method shows how farmers around the world with only a small amount of land can produce food throughout the year using proper gardening and resource management.

Peter is the Lead Agroecology Advisor and Permagarden Trainer for his company, Terra Firma International and has lived in Africa for 20 years. He developed a method that he'll share with us that guides even the most marginalized individual to create a resilient, nutrition-focused garden and farming system.

By registering for our last Chat, you're automatically included in the next meeting. If you don't have the Chat link anymore or don't see it on your calendar, you can register again here.


We missed you last Friday.

An international group joined us to Chat about Hydrophilanthropy and Africa. It was great to reconnect with everyone, watch Ginny's terrific presentation, and hear from so many of them. During this time of great disruption, it's comforting to know that we can still all come together.

If you would like to watch some or all of the Chat, we have uploaded the video onto Youtube for anyone to watch. You can see it on our new channel here:

Our work continues. From organizing these Chats to preparing for future projects. We can't do that without you. Sustaining monthly donations help us keep the lights on and enable us to plan for the future. You can make a monthly pledge at We appreciate it now more than ever.

Until our next Chat, be well and be safe.

- Will