Subject: Less than 48 hours until the big day

Are you ready?
friendly water for the world logo

Dear Friend,

Are you ready for Tuesday, December 3rd? Every year hundreds of millions of people come together on Giving Tuesday to unleash their collective power to transform communities and the world. But it only takes one person to start making a difference.

Our mission is to transform communities. From dirty water to clean water. From scarcity to security. From held down to a hand up. And we are achieving that transformation thanks to supporters like you. From Zambia to India, Guatemala to Congo, your contributions are pushing back disease, creating work and inspiring hope. But we're not done yet.

How can you participate in Giving Tuesday? To start, you can visit our website, explore our projects and contribute to our communities.

You can also join our Facebook page. From there you'll be able to easily share our message and even start your own fundraiser.

Perhaps most importantly you can read about the women of Mahuge on Caring Crowd and their long walk to transform their community. Every dollar you contribute up to $400 will be matched with $200 for free from Caring Crowd.

We can't wait to hear from you on Tuesday. Please help spread the word!