Subject: Hi Friend. Welcome in ArtFullFrame as a juror

Hi Friend. Welcome in ArtFullFrame as a juror

August 28th, 2020 at 7:32 pm CET

Welcome JuryStreet Photographer 2020Dear FriendIn the next few days you will receive two more email:Instruction for login username and password.Instructions to select the 5 finalists and the winner of the photo contest. In the context of Photograph ...

Hi [[my_name]]. Welcome to our jury 👍

August 28th, 2020 at 5:10 pm CET

Welcome JuryStreet Photographer 2020Dear FriendIn the context of Photography, judging consist of providing your opinion on photos.You comunicate your appreciation of photos made by others. You form a value judgment, thus enforcing the idea that the ...

Last Chance: 🏆 Contest "Street Photography 2020" 📸

August 19th, 2020 at 10:00 am CET

ArtFullFrame Contest. Last Chance. Last ChanceStreet Photographer 2020Dear FriendMany of you wrote to us asking for a little bit more time to complete your submissions.This is your last chance.We are extending the deadline until September 20th. Show ...