Announcing the Winners and Finalist of Street Photography 2020 Contest
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After many months of lockdown we asked to photographers to go out on the street again with their cameras. The result was impressive ! We have received many high quality photos. It was challenging for our judges… ….but in the end we have the 5 finalists with the 3 winners! | | | | | 1st Place Facundo Rosales Empty chairs Germany | | 2nd Place Matteo Perazzo Mustang fish & chips United Kingdom | | 3rd Place Giovanna Dell'Acqua Venice unlocked Italy | | | | Monica Ann Walker London after people Unitet Kingdom | | Antonio Perrone Stranger day Italy | | | Thank you! We love photography and we love our photographers, for this reason we decided to break the rules and offer them a little help to ensure that they gain visibility through our channels. Wherever possible we will always do it, because our mission is help photographers have greater visibility. | | | Bargehouse Gallery • OXO Tower Wharf | |
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