Subject: Hi Friend, some tips for you 👍

Tips for jury

Few tips for judges

Street Photographer 2020

Dear Friend

Jump in ArtFullFrame

Use your user name and passowrd to log-in

and follow this few steps.

You will finde this 2 section on the top menu:

  • Contest OnAir: inside this section you will find all the photo submitted to the contest.

  • Photographers: you will find all the photographers participating in the contest.

Look below.

Contest OnAir section

ArtFullFrame Contest OnAir section for Jury

Photographers section

ArtFullFrame Photographers section for Jury


How to Vote

When you fill ready to give a vote, click on the button below and start.

You will receive an email with your vote and a link where you can see the voting statistics of your fellow judges.

and if you change your mind, in the same email you will find the link to change your vote.

Until September 30.


Insert your email:

Insert your name: Friend

ArtFullFrame Photographers section for Jury

STEP 2 and more

Express your preferences for each of the 5 photos.

One page per photo.

ArtFullFrame Photographers section for Jury
Express your preferences

All of you

The finalists and winners will be selected by our Jury.

ArtFullFrame Street Photography 2020 Contest Jury

Contact our team