Subject: Hi Friend! Early bird for the new photo contest "People at Work" 📸

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New Photo Contest

Early Bird

Only for you!

Valid until July 1, 2021

Coupon 10% Off


People at Work

Start Submission

June 15th, 2021

Deadline Submission

July 15th, 2021

During  this year due to the pandemic everything has changed.

Now we are gradually taking back possession of our lives with many of us going  back to work. 

Many have converted their homes into offices, whilst others have been forced to change their working practices to accommodate the new Covid safe procedures. 

With this contest we invite you to capture People at Work, before, during or after the pandemic.

It is not important when the photos were taken, what we are interested in is looking at the world through your eyes.

We want to show the path back to “normality".

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Find out the permanent virtual exhibition gallery with all the winners of our contests

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