Subject: Free Open Call! People 2023 • photo competition 📸

Free Open Call! People 2023
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Deadline Submission

February 7th, 2023

People 2023

Enter the Open Call and participate
in ArtFullFrame international exhibition.

This Open Call is free for all our members.
Share your point of view with us.

We are leaving our lives on social media, forgetting the people close and around us.

We want to inspire you to photograph people around you, share with us their stories, their work, their lives.

They can be people close to your family, your neighbours or people on the road that cross your path.

Open Call is open to every level of photographers.

Our Next Exhibition


Photography is the result of the photographer's life and experiences, of the books he/she reads, of the music he/she listens to, everything influences and is reflected in the shot.

We must be sensitive, try to guess, be intuitive: rely on the "objective case" of which Breton spoke. And the camera is a wonderful tool for capturing that "objective case”.

Henri Cartier Bresson

Deadline Submission
April 10, 2023

Winners Galleries

Find out the permanent virtual Winners Galleries exhibition with all the winners of our contests

©Copyright 2019-2022 ArtFullFrame Ltd • The Art of Photography

Exhibitions & Contest

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