Subject: Yes I know it’s short notice

Last week, just before Christmas, I was wondering, what was the catalyst, the one thing that really made a difference in my confidence. Not just in confidence but especially in the way I showed up. What was that thing that allowed me to get so much done in a day with much less effort than before?

This was the same thing that helped me sustain my vision and goals to accomplish them.

When I began digging deeper into my strengths and aligning them with my goals then things flowed with less effort. I was no longer feeling like I was constantly working against the grain to accomplish the smallest goal. That friction was reduced.

What have you been struggling with achieving that you can’t figure out why it’s not working?

Maybe the key lies in knowing yourself in a whole new way.

Join us for this 3 hour workshop on January 5th from 11-2 pm est to learn about your unique instincts and how to connect them to your goals.


Alicia Couri

Audacious Confidence™ Growth Expert

Book a Call with Alicia