Subject: Who Are You Waiting on to Wake Up with "Your Dream" other than YOU?

Who Are You Waiting on to Wake Up with Your Dream other than YOU?
Wow What a YEAR!!!
The highlight was turning 50 years old and being crowned Mrs. Elite United States Woman of Achievement!
I got the rare opportunity to legitimize my Alter EGO!!! 
Who can honestly say that?
This year was filled with ups and downs. As I look back at an amazing year, I am so proud of my accomplishments but also see SO MUCH room and opportunities for growth, personally and professionally.
I saw areas where I didn’t step into my own audacious confidence and instead found myself sitting back waiting for different opportunities that never materialized or someone else to be as passionate about my dream as I was. 
What I have come to learn is that all those wonderful opportunities were to help build someone else’s dream and while it would, in the short term, have been financially beneficial if they materialized, I was still building something for someone else and not focusing on developing my own vision.
That was one of the biggest lessons of 2019 for me. It was crystalized by Ice T when I met him in New York and he said... 
“No one wakes up in the morning with your dream”
So while I was out there working diligently to support others in their dreams, I was neglecting my own dreams.
For the past few years I have been formulating and honing all my different TAGS - Talents, Assets Gifts and Skills and creating ways that I can use them to benefit others.
One of the shifts I had to make was learning how to charge for them instead of just giving them away for free. This is a lesson I am still learning. My natural giving nature sometimes gets in the way of that and I only regret it when someone clearly takes advantage of my generosity. I have learned to spot those takers and cut them off immediately because I believe in my own worth and value.
These were difficult and expensive lessons for me to learn, and if you have experienced it you know exactly what I am talking about. You feel somewhat less than, but the deal is, YOU created that situation and allowed them to take advantage of you. Maya Angelou used to say, 
“You teach people how to treat you”. 
I am a softy and a push over for the most part and yes I own that. I had to learn where and when to draw the line and create boundaries. If you have challenges with that, let’s have a chat about that and see how I can help you through that, to empower your voice without being rude or mean but really learning how to stand in your own power.
I used to do give away my time and services because I needed people to like me and have a good opinion of me, but now I realize how valuable my own time is that I can’t keep giving away my time and talent for nothing. If I chose to give it is not to make you like me, or because of your situation, it is because I chose to.
Focus has always been a challenge for me. Knowing what to focus on and how to focus on it because I always have multiple projects happening at the same time so how do I get things accomplished successfully? 
Again I had to learn what was the highest and best use of my time. 
When you have 3 children pulling at you, clients, directors, friends, business associates etc, where and what can you effectively and successfully commit your time and mental energy to?
It is more than organization, it is about commitment and knowing how and what to commit to and what can wait. In the New Year you may need a Commitment Clarifier™ session to know how to spend your time productively, if that is a challenge for you, please connect with me so we can run through a commitment clarifying exercise with you to get you started on the right path and make your 1st quarter the most productive one thus far.
I am equipped, ready and on the starting line of an amazing race and ready to achieve greater things for myself and most of all want to see you clarify and commit to your dreams too. I have learned so many lessons and have tools that I would love to share with you to help you achieve great things too. But only if you are also ready and willing to invest in yourself for more.
Who is with me?
Let’s make 2020 your best year ever!, 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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