Subject: What an amazing week last week was!!!

What an amazing week last week was!!!
I was in Charlotte, NC last week for The Real Deal 2020! I was pulling double sometimes quadruple duty during that event and it was a blast. The business information and training was second to none and I am ready to implement some of the tactics I learned from Angelique for growing my business even more in the corporate space. One of the highlights of the event was getting to interview a corporate panel of Fortune 500, Diverse Supplier Executives onstage with Angelique. These execs were from AT&T, Coca Cola, Lumen, UPS, Accenture, ADP & Kaiser Permanente… AWESOME!!! The insights they shared on what big major corporations are looking for in a minority vendor was great and what initiatives they have to boost diversity suppliers in their organizations.

In addition Angelique introduced me as one of the Senior Faculty members of The Corporate Agent for a new program that was launched this week called “Firestarter”! Combining your mission, your message and your business! If you ever wanted to build and develop a true Thought Leadership Platform and be seen as the person in your industry on the cutting edge, The Authority by delivering timely messages that are ahead of the curve, like Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell or Gary Vee, this is a program designed for just that. They all started somewhere to get where they are, the Firestarter Faculty will give you the support, tools, training and the assets to help get you there.
Dreams of Speaking on Stage!
Becoming a speaker on stage has been a dream of mine for many years but fear and the criticism of others kept me from stepping on the stage. 

Since I seriously began this journey to the stage back in 2015, I have spoken and some great platforms. When I delivered my 5 minute speech at Harvard, I was told I should really do a Ted Talk, hmmmm I thought to myself, what could I possibly share in a Ted Talk that would be of real value. Clearly, I was still struggling with my own value. But for 3 years I sent in my application to be a TedX Speaker all over the country, but alas was always rejected.

Last year when TedX Boca rejected me after insisting that I apply, I stopped trying to get on that illusive red dot. I let go and let God!

Yes… God’s timing is everything!

After delivering my speech onstage at the Real Deal Event to an amazing crowd of close to 800 virtual attendees, I got an email from TedXUMiami inviting me to be one of 10 speakers in their next upcoming TedX event in April!!! Talk about OVER THE MOON!!!

What a way to cap off a phenomenal week!

I am stepping into my own SuperPowers!

Small Business Saturday Shoutout
If you missed the SBSSO this past Saturday, here’s a link to join in the fun and meet Coach Rochelle!
Don’t forget to join our group on Facebook so you too can get your own Small Business Saturday Shout-Out LIVE!
Let me know if you want your business shouted out on an upcoming episode., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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