Subject: Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup
Talent Optimization
According to INC. Magazine, “As your business grows, you need to be able to step back and look at the bigger picture. Too many founders get wrapped up in the tiny day-to-day details (which balloon as your company gets bigger) and don’t focus in on the essential business functions. Don’t become a micromanager. At the same time, be careful not to become divorced from the daily reality of your business, because this disconnect is also dangerous.” This is why 74% of tech startups fail because they scaled too fast, and they either get too wrapped up in the day to day details or they don’t know how to link their business strategies and goals to the work that needs to be done and who needs to be assigned those critical tasks.
When you are ready to scale and hire, it is crucial that you have the right strategy to do that successfully so you don’t fall into the 74% that scale and grow too fast without a clear strategy for hiring and they just try to haphazardly fill gaps as the need arises. You need a clear strategy that includes: 
  1. Clearly identifying the role and the daily tasks.
  2. How it links to your overall business goals. 
  3. Then you can write the job description that is very targeted based on what you really need for someone to be successful in the role.
  4. Use brain & behavioral science and analytics to find the right person that have the right fit for the role.
When you follow these steps you can find the right people that will be successful in the jobs you need done for your business to be successful. So, when you scale up, you have the right role fit and culture fit and your organization won’t be in the 74% that scale to fast and fail.
Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week
How do you price yourself? Is it based on the value you provide to your client, or based on your value? Let’s talk about it on this Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week!
Goddesses Among Us is finally here!
I am a contributing author to this amazing book of remarkable stories from 16 women., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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