Subject: Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup
I am so excited to be launching a new Podcast for Corporate Leaders and Entrepreneurs interested in high performance. I am conducting interviews right now with CEO’s leading great companies and even some CEO’s leading INC 500’s fastest growing companies and may even have a political leader or 2. We will hear from Entrepreneurs that are leading great teams and building awesome businesses. You will learn how they developed the confidence to lead, the challenges or pitfalls they experienced and how they overcame them. I am so pumped for this new venture!!!

Let me know what you would like to know from a top CEO and I will ask.

Engagement Diagnostic
Are you a leader who believes you have great company culture and you have the buy in from your leadership team at every level of your company? How often do you check on it? What intelligence gathering methodology do you use to get to the truth? Or do you just trust that your people will tell you the real? Here is a simple engagement diagnostic that can help you understand your company engagement.
Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week
Has a friendship suddenly come to an end when someone falsely accuses you of wrongdoing. How do you respond? Does your confidence take a hit or are you able to stand strong knowing you didn't do what they claim you did and let them go? Recently I had that situation and years ago I would have done as much as possible to prove my innocence. Now I am confident enough to let someone go and know that I am a great friend and have great friends and we no longer needed to be in each others lives.
2Sides 2ACoin
Lin-Manuel Miranda describes it as planting seeds in a garden you don't get to see. What are you leaving behind? Cassie Couri and Alicia Couri share their vision of Legacy and how they each endeavor to leave one long after they are gone. What's your legacy?
Exact Blueprint for Booking TV Media
We are getting ready to open the doors on the next “Exact Blueprint for Booking TV Media”. This is really going to be an amazing opportunity to jump on board. Message me if you are interested so I can share with you how this program will work and how you can learn how to get your brand, you burning message on TV.
It is amazing when you have a certain level of clarity that comes with growth, trust in yourself and especially in God, that you begin to see more of the vision God has for you that you know is in your heart. You can stop hiding and take those bold leaps with courage and commitment, when you do that you experience how exciting life really is and how many opportunities open up for you. Your capacity grows! Have a great weekend., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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