Subject: Weekly Roundup

Weekly Roundup
There were a lot of major things which occurred this past week. My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Lebanon as they deal with the aftermath of that massive explosion that ripped into Beirut. The video of the explosion was incredible and stunning. If you wish to help, please go to
Talent Optimization
The Ellen Show also found themselves in hot water recently, which goes to show you that you are not too big or too popular to have a toxic culture in the work environment. Ellen’s brand is all about fun, kindness, caring and inclusion however, recent reports from insiders and dozens of past employees all the way up to producer levels have reported that behind the scenes paints a very different story at the show. As the leader of your organization, how do you keep up with the work culture and environment to ensure your vision and mission for your company is being translated across every level from CEO all the way to the custodial staff, ensuring everyone feels valued, appreciated, and part of something greater than themselves, so they are engaged in furthering the mission of the company. Well one of the best ways is by using simple tools to track employee engagement, that measure adaptability and alignment of the person to their job and team around them, investing in leadership training and finally hiring the right person for the job that needs to be done. I have this amazing Culture Meter to assess where your company is and give you practical ways to improve. Now is the time to take a look at it and not when it is too late - like the Ellen Show. Give me 16 minutes and I will tell you if your culture is weak or strong. Reach out to set an appointment time with me for next week.
Recent Interviews
I had an awesome time this week where I was interviewed on 3 different podcasts and 1 live show. The live was the pre-launch of the new book which I am a contributing author with 15 other remarkable women called “Goddesses Among Us”, it will officially launch next Wednesday so stay tuned for that announcement to get your copy for $.99 Cents. I will share when the Freestyle Your Life Podcast & the My Mistaxx Podcast interviews launch.
MPI with James Allen
Here is the first of the 3. Yesterday I was a guest on M.P.I. Radio with James Allen. (MPI stands for Maximum Positive Impact). James and I met at a virtual networking event and we both are in the boosting confidence space. It was great to meet him especially because we are passionate about confidence and go tackle it from different angles. He is all about helping you build Unshakeable Confidence and I am of course about the Audacious Confidence. So check us out on his Podcast - Unshakable Confidence meets Audacious Confidence.
2Sides 2ACoin
On 2Sides 2ACoin, Cassie & I talk about the recent Black & White challenge that has flooded social media. What’s up with all these challenges anyway and do you participate in them? Here is our take on Social Media Challenges. Let me know what you think about them.
Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week
One of the challenges to our confidence is stepping into the unknown. A solution to that is what I cover today on my tip of the week, so check it out., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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