Subject: We did it! We Launched!

We did it! We Launched!
2 Sides 2 A Coin!
Cassie & I launched our new venture together and found a name for the show! So we decided to record our first few episodes to ease into the live broadcasts. Since this is Cassandra’s first dive into sharing herself with the world (just our little corner of it) she is not yet quite comfortable going live,
plus our schedules don’t make it easy to always get on live at the same time. But we’re not letting that stop us. Follow us on Instagram for the latest episodes - @cassiecouri and @thealiciacouri -
Claim your Why and Soul Purpose Summit
The Claim your Why and Soul Purpose Summit was awesome and I hope you had a chance to join in and learn from all the amazing speakers assembled by Dr. Daphne Clarke Hudson.
Audacious Confidence Tip of the Week
Today I listened to an amazing Mindset Coach Karem Zafra-Vera as she shared about self-image to the students in my Media Booking course. She shared a strategy I used to boost my own self image that was a huge impact in my own growth and I wanted to share. First, find someone you greatly admire. When you have that person in mind, secondly, write down all the traits they possess that you admire most about them then, thirdly, begin to emulate those traits. The absolutely extraordinary realization you will come to is this… Those traits that you admired so much with them were actually in you all along. You have finally given yourself permission to actually step into those., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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