Subject: Videos, videos, and a podcast!

Videos, videos, and a podcast!
On Woman Unleashed my co-host Szebastian Onne and I did an amazing interview with the fabulous Noah Crane author of “The Grass is Greenest Where I Am”. She gave us some powerful, practical tips to release fear and step into love during these uncertain times.
You must have already seen that I have been releasing some of the past episodes of the Audacious Confidence Show on Dreamaniac TV. The new season is coming out at the end of this month but didn't want to leave you hanging without the show, sooooooo until we are live again with all new guests,I wanted to share some of my amazing previous guests that inspired so many and share such amazing stories. So make sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss any of these phenomenal stories.
Finally, the “Get Published’ Podcast launched today. I talked to the host Paul Brodie about publishing my book “Age with Audacious Confidence: 21 Tips to Look & Feel Younger”. We discussed simple tips for you if you are interested in publishing. Check it out, only 8 minutes lol.
So many times we don’t really trust our instincts because we don’t really know ourselves. You can’t imagine how that affects your confidence.

Ok so I will give you an example, today while talking to a client about my 7 minute runs, I explained how I hated exercise and any excuse to get out of it, I’d take it! So I couldn’t be consistent with any exercise routine that was 30 minutes or more. I spent my life feeling so guilt and shame about it, not to mention frustrated. Until I understood that I needed small bursts of activity to stay interested and consistent, only then was I confident in being ok with myself and my 7 minute runs., 933 NE, 199 Street, 33179, Miami, United States
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